Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Almost An Apiary!

The photo you see is the site of the Evening Star Apiary, which has been readied to open for business upon the hiving of four packages of bees which will likely arrive in early May.  In order to keep the black bear and skunk out of the area, we have an electric fence powered by the solar panel you see in the center of the area, which delivers about 5000 to 7000 volts, enough hopefully to discourage would-be invaders.  With the forests, the prairie and all the flowers we intend to plant, the bees should have ample supplies of nectar and pollen by June or so.  In the meantime, we will feed them sugar water and pollen patties. By mid-summer we should have honey, but this year, some or all of it will have to remain with the hives so the bees can survive the winter.  If all goes well, in future years we should have a surplus.